Welcome one and all, this evening your scribe is none other than the cats and cats and cat’s bass weapon, Sir Thomas (T BONE) Baker.
Yes it was Thomas who just wrote that intro, introducing himself, and he will refer to himself in the third person throughout this blog, because he has had a drink and thinks its funny, read on dear reader…. Please?
Tom feels that today was.. a bit slow.. a lot was achieved.. but not a lot was actually done... if that makes sense…
Post Rock sing along ‘Olympus Mons’ was tracked in the morning (Tom is petitioning for the song to be called ‘Olympus Mums’) and then the rest of the day was spent conjoring up a bass sound which had enough dum dum dum but not too much bringggg – possibly the reason that Tom was asked to write the blog for tonight – he prefers to think it was because Ben was running out of ideas and had to step aside to make room for Tom's unique and witty writing style..
Actually ‘return to danger castle’ was named by me – I have good writing ideas sometimes!.. ahem I mean tom has them.
So anyway the bass tracks back through an old Bass Head (think amplifier non music tech geeks) and he can confirm that the sound has ‘character’ – which is a word which has had a lot of use since being on the ship. The ship has character, the studio has character, the snare sound has character.. I suppose tom would be disappointed if the bass didn’t?
Now that the bass is good, the album is starting to sound more like how it should. There is still a lot of work to be done and the songs don’t sound right without vocals.
We will be working on the sound of the guitars tomorrow where Jamie is bound to spend loads of time twiddling knobs and getting things sounding right and writing shitty facebook updates about me… that are based in fact but still hurt – damn you J DOG!
Check back tomorrow for some more news/inane rambling, most likely involving whales in a car crash and a screening of the film ‘jaws’ to an audience of sharks.
Olympus Mums?? No, no. "Olympic mums" is much better :)